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Combined BibliographyOf Mouni Sadhu BooksCurrently Concentration, Tarot, Theurgy and Meditation.In Days of Great Peace and Ways to Self-Realization have no bibliograpies. - Mouni Sadhu Books |
Abano, Pete, OFThe Heptameron or Magical Elements, (Tarot)Agrippa (H.C.)La Philosophie Occulte, 1927, 2 vol. (Tarot)Albert Le GrandLes Admirables Secrest, Lyon, 1799, 1 vol. (Tarot)Ambelain, RobertLe Dragon d'Or, Paris, 1956 (Theurgy)Angelus, Silesius,Saemtliche Werke, Muenchen, 1922 (Theurgy)Ashtavakra GirtaTranslated by Hari Prasad Shastri (Meditation)Aurobindo, Sri GhoseSelected Thoughts (Meditation)Barbarin, GeorgesL'Ami des Heures Difficiles, Paris, 1955 (Theurgy)Barlet, F. CH.Tarot Initiatique, (Tarot)Besant, AnnieStudy of Consciousness, Adyar, India (Concentration)Bhagavad-GitaTexts from Lin Yutangs' Wisdom of India (Meditation)Brandler-Pracht, Dr.Geistige Erziehung (Spiritual Education), (German), Leipzig, 1921 (Concentration)Bromage, B.The Occult Arts of Ancient Egypt, 1953 (Tarot)Christian, P.The History of Magic, 1876 (Tarot)DhammapadaTexts from Lin Yutang's Wisdom of India, (Meditation)Du Potet, Le BaronLa Magie Devoilee ou Principes de la Science Occulte, Paris 1875 (Tarot)EtteillaThe Book of Thoth, (Tarot)Guaita, Stanislas De, Marquise
Greek-Orthodox ScripturesLives of Saints (Concentration)Hasbrouck, Muriel BrucePursuit of Destiny, 1943 (Tarot)Hastings, James (Ed.)Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Edinburgh, 1921 (Theurgy)Hohenheim, Bombast von, P.A.T.Hermitic and Alchemical Writings, 1894. Trans. By A.E. Waite (Tarot)Huysmans, J.K.En Route, Paris, 1891;La Bas, Paris 1894 (Tarot) Inge, William RalphChristian Mysticism, London, 1933 (Theurgy)James, WilliamVariety of Religious Experiences, 1899 (Concentration)Julio, Abbé (M. Houssay)
Kant, ImmanuelAphorisms, (Meditation)Kunrath, HenriAmphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternai, 1609 (Tarot)Leadbeater, Charles W.Occult Talks, Adyar, India (Concentration)Lévi, Eliphas (Abbe Constant)
Lodyschensky, P.Mystic Trilogy, (Russian), Petersburg, 1912 (Concentration)Lully, RaymondArs Magna, (Latin) (Tarot)Maharshi, Sri RamanaGospel, Tiruvannamalai, S. India, 1946 (Concentration)Teachings published before 1950 only (Meditation) Mathers, S. L. McGregorThe Kabbala Unveiled, (Tarot)Mead, G.R.S.Echoes from the Gnosis, (Tarot)Mebes, G.O. Prof.Encyclopaedic Course of the Tarot, (Russian) (Tarot)Meister EckhartDie Deutschen Werke, Stuttgart, 1936 (Theurgy)Nola, Alphonso M. DiPrayers of Man, (Meditation)Olivet, Fabre D
Ouspensky, P.D.Ancient Tarot Cards, (Russian), Moscow 1912 (Concentration)Papus (Dr. Gerard Encausse)La Tarot Divinatoire; The Tarot of the Bohemians, (Tarot)ParacelsiOpera Omnia Medico-Chemico-Chirurgia, Geneve, 1658 (Tarot)Paracelsus
PlotinusEnneads, (Meditation)Prel, Charles duRaetsel des Menschen, Saulgau, 1951 (Theurgy)Ramacharka, YogiRajah Yoga, 1912 (Concentration)Regnard (Dr. Paul)Sorcellerie, Magnetisme, Morphinisme, Delire des Granduers, Paris 1887 (Tarot)Regarie, IsraelThe Golden Dawn, (Tarot)Reuchlin, JDe Verbo Mirifico Basel, 1494 (Theurgy)Roesemueller, Wilhelm OttoGebetskraefte, Hilfe aus dem Jenseits, R. Ebertin, 1936 (Theurgy)Rosenroth (Knorr ab)Kabbala Denudata, Frankfurt, 1677-1684 (Tarot)Pack fo 78 CardsWith the Key to the Tarot of the Bohemians,Designed by Pamela Coleman-Smith under the direction of A.E. Waite (Tarot) Ruysbroeck, JMystic und Pietismus, Muenchen, 1925 (Theurgy)Sadhu, Mouni(Tarot)
Sadhu, Mouni(Concentration) Two collections of essays,
Sadhu, Mouni(Meditation)
Sadhu, Mouni(Theurgy)
SankaracharyaViveka-Chudamani (The Crest Jewel of Wisdom), (Translation by Mohini M. Chatterji), India, 1888 (Concentration & Meditation)St Martin, Louis Claude DeTableau Naturel des Rapports qui existent entre Dieu, l'Homme et l'Univers, (Tarot)Sédir, Paul (Yvon Leloup)
The Sermon on the Mount, Christ's Gospels(Meditation)Schwenker, Pastor FriedrichDas Gebet, Erlautert durch mehr als Tausend Beispiele, Leipzig, 1934 (Theurgy)Simon, JulesL'Histoire de L'Ecole D'Alexandrie, 3 Vol., Paris 1844 (Theurgy)Steiner, Rudolph Dr.Das Christentum als Mistische Tatsache, Wien, 1920 (Theurgy)Strauss, Alfred Dr.Theurgische Heilmethoden, Lorch, 1936 (Theurgy)Surya, G.W.
Thierens, A.E.The General Book of the Tarot, Containing the Astrological Key to the Tarot System, 1928 (Tarot)Thomas A. KempisThe Imitation of Christ, (Meditation)Vacherot, E.L'Histoire Critique de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie, 2 Vols., Paris, 1846-1851 (Theurgy)Vaughan, Robert AlfredHours with the Mystics, London, 1860 (Theurgy)Vindevogel, J.La Gnose, Bruxelles, 1906 (Theurgy)Vivekananda, YogiVarious lectures and writings, (Concentration)Waite, A.E.The Pictoral Key to the Tarot, (Tarot)"Who" (Sri Lakshmana Sarma)Maha Yoga, Tiruvannamalai 1948 (Concentration & Meditation)Wirth, Oswald
Whittaker, ThomasThe Neoplatonists, Hildesheim, 1961 (Theurgy)Wilder, Alexander (Translator)Theurgia, or: The Egyptian Mysteries by Iamblicos, London 1912 (Theurgy)Wood, ErnestConcentration, Adyar, India (Concentration) |
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